Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 6: #13 Tagging makes the web 2.0 world go round

Well, I have gotten a little behind on the iHCPL schedule but I am back and ready to start catching up. I am on week 6 and have just toured the iHCPL site (again). The capabilities offered on this site are wonderful. I have saved many Internet sites as "favorites" on my work profile as well as on my personal account but it is so helpful to have all of them on one site that I can access from anywhere! The bonus is that now you can access similar websites others have found through widening your options and searches tremendously. I created a account for myself several weeks ago when I first started working on this assignment and I use it regularly. It's fantastic!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 5: #12 The "Library" Elf will remind you!

Library Elf would be great for someone who has multiple library cards. As it is I have only a Harris County card and I am already sent reminders via email. If I am still late I can only blame myself.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Week #5 Library Thing

Library Thing is great! While trying to add books I discovered just how many books I enjoyed but for which I could remember neither title nor author. I intend to add books in my personal collection as well as favorites. Though I did not add comments about my books yet it would be a great resource to do so and I will in the future.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 5 #10 Image Generators

This was a fun exercise! I chose the movie poster image generator from FD Toys though it was hard to choose only one. For a novice like me it was extremely easy to do. Avatars were interesting and Meez was entertaining but I felt that FD Toys had more interesting things to choose from and was the easiest to use. The customize comic strip site could be useful too.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week #4 Finding Feeds

This was a very interesting assignment. I found it easiest to find feeds on the blog lines 'search for feeds'. I did find some on feedster as well but I did not care for the others. I am sure with more investigation I could appreciate what these sites had to offer but they took too much time for my interest. I will return to these from time to time to investigate them more. I found I could find a site I wanted then copy the URL into blog lines and if a feed was available it would add it.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Alaska inner passage

Alaska inner passage
Originally uploaded by dpeckbc
This photo was edited on Picik which I felt had more options and was easy to use. I cropped it and brightened the colors.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


This was another adventure into the unknown for me. I set up the account with no difficulty but it was most interesting finding the right feeds. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of information available on the internet. I can see where bloglines can really help you find the information you want with just the click of a mouse.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


After investigating the 10 best Flickr mashups I most liked Retrievr. At first I could not see any value to it but after playing with it, it became a little addictive. The use of only black lines brought up interesting pictures but once blots of color were added it added a whole new dimension to the searches. The 'art' of photography and the ingenious use of color various photographers used was fascinating.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Originally uploaded by dpeckbc
This is my first attempt at downloading a photo.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tutorial ease for blogging

Concerning the HCPL tutorial I appreciate all the explanations about what a blog is for and how it works before actually setting it up. It was clear and covered the questions I had. I liked being directed to more information just by clicking on the word or phrase I was interested in. The Blogger directions were not quite as clear but I had no trouble setting it up. The hardest part was just doing it and it turned out to be very easy. Now to remember yet another password!

Call that a vacation?

Sometimes you just need to do what you need to do. Tomorrow is the last day of my "vacation" and so far I have moved two households, run 59 errands, rearranged three rooms and worked 3 days on cleaning the garage...and I still can't get a vehicle in there! I can't wait to go back to work! Well, it all needed to be done and I will feel better for doing it....or so I keep telling myself! And to think my husband wanted us to go to Florida.